Spring 2023 -
Sunday 10 September, at Arrowtown Presbyterian Church Hall
Making Music 1860 to 1914
About 40 people and a varied collection of old instruments attended this tuneful
Pianist: Cheryl Collie Violinist: Natasha Matla
Old instruments and information were provided by members and the Museum.
Sunday 29 October: Visits to two heritage buildings in Arrowtown
The Arrow Doctor’s Residence and the Arrow Kilwinning Lodge.
About 35 people attended and appreciated the restorations and history.
Sunday 26 November, St Margaret’s Church, Frankton
AGM, Courier 110 and sharing ‘Rabbit Tales’ about the rabbit plague.
35 people attended and many rabbit stories were told.
Photo: Max Macnicol with a rug of multi-
Sunday 25 February: Trip to Garston and Athol
24 people met at Garston where local expert (and our member) Richard Soper talked about the history from colonial times and the backgrounds of key people, and led us around the older areas and the cemetery. Then on to Athol to the site of the railway station with historical panel, the cemetery and the former church.
Garston Hotel and Store in 1899
Sunday 7 April, Arrowtown Presbyterian Hall:
‘People From Our Past’
About 60people attended to encounter:
Rev Donald Ross , Scottish first Presbyterian minister,
Peter Tomanovich, Croatian, miner of Gibbston,
Rosie Grant, farmer of Glenorchy,
Margaret Templeton, campaigner of Queenstown.
Sunday May 19: Courier 111 and ‘Treasured Books’
St Margaret’s Presbyterian Hall, Frankton, 2pm.
20 members had searched their bookshelves and brought along items ranging from the
great Family Bibles and other religious books to classics, documents about the goldfields,
children’s books like Beatrix Potters, ‘naughty’ pop-
This event concluded our Activities Programme for Spring 2023 to Autumn 2024