Queenstown and District Historical
Society Incorporated
 Our Heritage Today - For Tomorrow
About Us Events Publications Magazine Archive Associated Organisations

Spring 2020 - Autumn 2021

Sunday 27 September: ‘Memories of Cribbie Days’

St Margaret’s Church Hall, Frankton

45 people gathered. Members Denise Heckler (nee Hunter), Owen Todd and Danny Knudson spoke and showed photos of the cribs their families had owned in Arrowtown and Queenstown.                            

Sunday 1 November: Trip to Kingston

40 members met at the Kingston Community Centre for a picnic, then heard history and memories from local people, followed by an inspection of the Kingston Flyer restoration which is being restored.


Sunday 22 November: Distribution of Courier 104, AGM and DVD about the Chinese miners.

St Margaret’s Church Hall, Frankton

50 people attended. The DVD Journey to Lan Yuan made by Toitu Otago Settlers Museum was greatly

appreciated and can be found as a series of videos on YouTube.


Sunday 28 February: Trip to the Cromwell Heritage Precinct        

With local guides. From noon on the lawn behind McNulty House

 in Inniscort St. See photo. 60 people attended.

Sunday 11 April: ‘People From Our Past’

2pm at Arrowtown Presbyterian Church. Over 100 people attended.

The six ‘people’ who were postponed in 2020 by the COVID lockdown appeared or were represented:

Donald Hay, Captain William Hayes, Eliza and William Jenkins, Joan Cooke and Henry Barker.



Sunday 23 May, Distribution of Courier 105 and videos of Cromwell

before the inundation by Lake Dunstan.

About 70 people attended at St Margaret’s Church Hall.                                                             


                                                        Looking down the main street,                                                           Melmore Terrace, as it was.



                                           The Knudson Family crib at Queenstown Camp Ground

                When first bought                                                                     When improved

The Hunter Family crib in Kent Street, Arrowtown                     Todd’ll Inn at Queenstown Camp Ground