Queenstown and District Historical
Society Incorporated
 Our Heritage Today - For Tomorrow
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Activities for Members

Spring 2015 - Autumn 2016

23 August

Launch of the 2016 Calendar, St Margaret’s Hall, Frankton

Over 50 people attended the talks given by people associated with the photos. The talks were published in the next two Courier magazines.

18 October

Commemoration of Edith Cavell’s Execution in 1915, Cavell’s Restaurant, Arthurs Point

A dramatic presentation of her life, written by Danny Knudson and presented by senior drama students from Wakatipu High School directed by Victoria Boult.

Over 50 people attended this moving event.

15 November: AGM at St Margaret’s Church Hall, Frankton,

Guest speaker, local archaeologist Ben Teele about the recent dig beside Eichardt’s Hotel, revealing much about the history of the hotel site and conditions in the early days.   

22 May at St Margaret’s Church Hall, Frankton at 2pm

Members Sharing Memories - talks by members, and launch of the Queenstown Courier Issue 95 featuring the lives of some early surveyors.

16 April at the Lakes District Museum

Launch of Skippers - Triumph and Tragedy by Danny Knudson

The publication of this authoritative history of the Upper Shotover was jointly funded by Danny, the Historical Society and the Museum, and brings to the public Danny’s many years of research and writing.


10 April

‘People From Our Past’, Arrowtown Presbyterian Hall                                                                                          

Six historical figures from around the district told their stories to an appreciative audience

of over 100 people at this public meeting.  Bill Fox, Charles B. Shanks, Rebecca Bond,

William Warren, Mary Inder nee Leslie, and the story of Charles Eckhart whose headstone in

the Arrowtown cemetery had just been restored.